Primping with the stars
Hi loves!
As you already know June was my birthday month and i want to share with you this great gift i got from my sisters. It´s box from Benefit with 6 mini products. I love it. I am the type of person who love drugstore products but last year i started to love doing my makeup and play with diffrent products. I heard about Benefit only positive things and when i saw this box i almost cried. My sisters just know me so well. Let´s take a look inside of the box.
Ako už určite viete v Júni som mala narodeniny a chcem sa s vami podeliť o tento skvelý darček, ktorý som dostala od sestier. Je to krabička so 6 mini produktami od Benefitu. Milujem ich. Som typ človeka, ktorý miluje kozmetiku z drogérii ale minulý rok som sa začala viac zaujímať o makeup a používať rôzne produkty. Počula som o Benefite len pozitívne veci a tak keď som videla túto krabičku skoro som sa rozplakala. Moje sestry ma poznajú veľmi dobre. Poďte so mnou nakuknúť dovnútra krabičky. :)
1. Stay Don´t Stray eyeshadow primar
great product, my eyeshadow lasts all day without it :)
skvelý produkt, ktorý udrží vaše tiene na mieste po celý deň :)
2. Porefessional face primer
so many people on youtube use this primar, i really wanted to try this and i´m glad i could. My makeup stay in place all day.
veľmi veľa ľudí na youtube používa tento primer, som veľmi rada, že som ho mohla vyskúšať, pretože môj makeup konečne vydrží celý deň, aj keď mam mastnú pleť
3. Some kinda gorgeous
i didnt try this product yet. But it´s cream to powder formula fakes foundation.
ešte som tento produkt neskúšala, ale je to niečo ako makeup, má krémovú konzistenciu ale po nanesení sa mení na púder
4. Benetint
great product for travelling you can use it for lips or your cheeks as a blush
skvelý produkt na cestovanie, môžete ho použiť na pery alebo na líčka ako lícenku
5. Girl meets pearl
best highliter ever, obsssed with it
najlepší rozjasňovač, som ním posadnutá :D
6. They´re real mascara
i´m sure you heard and maybe even used this mascara, i can definitely say that i´ll be full size when i finished this one
som si istá, že o tejto špirále ste určite poučili a možno ste ju už aj vyskúšali, za mňa jedno veľké plus a určite si kúpim normálne balenie keď túto miniem.
This box is great if you want to try products from Benefit and i´m definitely going to buy diffrent one. I just love it and want to try more Benefit staff. You can find various boxes on
( free worldwide delivery )
Have a nice day babes !
Great review! I've heard so many good things about the porefessional face primer! :)
ReplyDeleteUrban Obsessions // Vegan Food, Beauty & Lifestyle
To balenie je hrozne cute :)) a benefit má vážne kvalitnú kozmetiku..Parádny darček :))
Great review! I've heard amazing things about that they're real mascara!
ReplyDelete<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Happy belated birthday and looks like you got some really nice stuffs there. Great post.
This is some of the beauty products i've been dying to try!
Your sisters are such sweethearts! Love benefit
ReplyDeleteM xx
je to v krásnom balení !! :)
it look so lovely i like it!
Gahh, it's so pretty! I love all the colors!
ReplyDeleteMuch Love |
I love the Benetint! So perfect for cheeks and lips.