Hi ladies!
Yesterday was finally beautiful day full of sun so i decided to wear my long skirt with white crop top and sneakers. Maybe you think skirt + sneakers?, but why not? I think it´s important wear what you like and you want and don´t care what other people think, fashion should be fun for you :) Stop caring what other people think of your outfit, i live in smaller town and i was always scared what other people will think of my outfit until i realized that it ´s my life and if i want to wear crop tops everyday i will. So have fun and wear what you want ! :)
Včera bolo krásne počasie , a preto som sa rozhodla vybrať zo skrine moju dlhú sukňu, crop top a tenisky. Asi si myslíte sukňa + tenisky? Ale prečo nie? Myslím si, že je dôležité nosiť čo sa Vám páči a čo chcete. Nezaujímajte sa o to čo si myslia iní, móda by mala byť pre Vás zábava :) Prestaňte sa starať čo si myslia iní o vašom outfite, ja sama žijem v menšom meste a vždy som sa bála čo si ľudia budú myslieť ak si oblečiem niečo pre Slovensko nezvyčajné, až kým som si uvedomila, že žijem len raz a je to môj život takže ak chcem nosiť crop topy každý deň tak ich nosiť budem :D Takže zabávajte sa, obliekajte si čo chcete, pretože nezáleží či sa to páči iným, ale či sa to páči Vám a či sa v tom cítite pohodlne :)
Love the outfit, especially your skirt! :)
..davam palec hore..spravny is passion <3
ReplyDeleteLove how you wore that skirt with all white...really makes that amazing blue pop!
thank you so much :))xx
DeleteNice skirt!
Nice look :)
ReplyDeleteTa sukně je opravdu krásná má moc pěknou barvu!:)
ReplyDeleteMně se to náhodou líbí :)
ReplyDeleteNice outfit! Love this maxi skirt!
wow great Outfit
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peknáá sukňa! :)
You look so beautiful. Love the whole outfit!
ReplyDeleteHave a nice day. Come and visit my blog if you want! :)
Love the skirt! <3
ReplyDeleteWelcome to blogging!
Following you now, hope you will do the same :)